Helm Gallery
As a physical gallery space we are made up of two floors. The ground floor is comprised of a rotating selection of limited-edition prints and highly sought after original pieces carefully selected and curated by our art buyer and managing director. By day we have a coffee area for those looking to unwind, enjoy our artists work or read a book from our library of rare art and design publications, by night we have a cocktail bar for our regularly scheduled events. Helm gallery represents a culmination of all that is Brighton. Benefitting from it's history as an artistic hub, we're seeking to broaden its horizons by providing an expansive platform for artists, collectors and art-lovers so that they can experience and contribute to some of the finest contemporary art in the country. So whether your'e looking for for investment pieces, starting your collection or just eager to learn more, welcome Helm.
Venue Details


Helm Gallery

15 North Road

East Sussex

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]


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