How to Register Your Venue

The Big Drag Pageant -

We are currently updating our Venue Info Pack with all relevant information for Brighton Fringe 2025, and we will be publishing this soon.

If you want your venue to be visible to artists and producers for 2025, you will need to add your venue to the Brighton Fringe 2025 festival in Eventotron. If you've set up a venue profile in the past you will still need to add it to the current Brighton Fringe season in Eventotron.

We have a written guide to completing a venue registration here or you can watch the tutorial below.

Top tips for new venues:

  1. Use our How to Register Your Venue Guide to get started!
  2. Eventotron is where venues can add all their information and where artists and producers can browse through which venues are available for Brighton Fringe 2025. It’s a great marketing tool if you want to get seen at new events!
  3. Eventotron is also where events can contact you if they’re interested in your venue. Check your event applications to see who's contacted you.
  4. Make sure events can happen in your venue safely. Consider social distancing for audience and artists, entrances and exits and leaving enough time for cleaning between events.
  5. You’ll need some good images of your venue and a description of the space to get started.
  6. Work through all the tabs in Eventotron to enter all details. All the info isn’t needed straight away, but there’s some bits we’ll chase up nearer to the festival (Access information, Insurance information and Risk Assessment to name but a few).
  7. Want to get your venue seen by more artists? Post in our Venues and Artist Networking Group with your venue details so artists can see you’re available.
  8. Are you ready for events to see your venue in the Venue Browser? Remember to switch the ‘Appear in Venue Browser’ question to ‘yes’! Go into the venue browser to check how your venue appears to artists.

Top tips for returning venues:

  1. Your first step should be adding your venue to the Brighton Fringe 2025 festival. Look for the ‘+ Join a Festival’ button in Eventotron in your venue profile.
  2. Double check your capacity. You can find this in the venue details tab. Whether you're keeping social distancing or getting back to full capacity, you'll need to let us know here.
  3. Look in your settings to update your digital event settings. You can use this bit to set whether events can live stream from your venue.
  4. Look through all the tabs! They’re all important. We’ll be chasing you up later for things like insurance info and risk assessment.
  5. Update all the info that artists are going to need Access info, technical facilities, hire fees, photos and description of your event are key!
  6. Are you ready for events to see your venue in the Venue Browser? Remember to switch the ‘Appear in Venue Browser’ question to ‘yes’! Go into the venue browser to check how your venue appears to artists.

Here are some examples of unusual things people have done in past Brighton Fringe festivals…

  • A group of poets turned their ordinary house into the world’s first ‘poetry brothel’
  • Brighton’s famous beach huts have become tiny theatres and mini galleries
  • We’ve seen art and theatre in the back of a truck, in a lift, even in a public loo…
  • Audiences have invited performers into their homes; they’ve been on sewer tours, and participated in a comedy show in a taxi!

You're only 10 steps away from getting registered!

If you are looking to set up a space for the first time here are ten steps to making it happen:

  1. Find a space, register it on Eventotron and agree to our Venue's Agreement.
  2. Make sure you have the necessary licenses and permission
  3. Plan your budget and how you’re going to use your venue – and get it kitted out!
  4. Programme the space with events or advertise your space in our online Venue Browser
  5. Develop a venue hire strategy & co-ordinate a deal with those looking to hire the space
  6. Put together an event schedule or programme
  7. Register your scheduled events with Brighton Fringe.
  8. Organise your set-up for selling tickets
  9. Publicise, advertise and promote your events and space
  10. Open your doors!

What Works?

Some questions you should ask yourself before you start…

  • What is the space suitable for – is it theatre, music, art, dance or a variety of events?
  • What is your budget?
  • What staff will you need?
  • Are you programming the space or will you rent it out? – This could be for a flexible time slot, fixed or for a one-off event.
  • How will you allocate the space and time slots to performers and artists?
  • How will you charge for the space – by the hour, or by taking a percentage of ticket sales?
  • Do you have regular artists already booked? Can you encourage them to do something special for Brighton Fringe?

Take a look at our other pages in the Venues area for more guidance on specific areas e.g. how to programme events, how to promote your venue and how our Box Office works.

If you have any questions that cannot be answered within these pages, please contact our Artist Services team at 01273 764 907 or at [email protected].


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