Brighton Fringe Award for Excellence In Association with The Rotunda Theatre Winner Announced!
It was the Scotsman Fringe Awards ceremony this morning and we’re very pleased to announce...
Brighton Fringe prides itself as a celebration of arts not only from the UK, but from across the globe. This year you can see some of the most exciting and challenging work to come out of Amsterdam Fringe 2020. These digital events are a mixture of the most anticipated and award winning shows from last year.
Available until 27 June - Get access here
WUSS: 'Seriously Interrupted Millennial' also known as 'S.I.M.' is a Dutch short that invites the audience to go on a journey through fears, dreams and guilty-pleasures.
The world is turned upside down
We know exactly what six feet feels like
In these times of the 'new normal', we tend to lose ourselves
Escapism seems to be the only thing that lasts...
WUSS is a theatre-performance collective that consists of four Dutch students of the Amsterdam Theatre School. Together they created two live shows and for the Amsterdam Fringe Festival 2020 they made the short 'S.I.M.' .
Why do we want to escape this reality? And where do we run to?
In our work we merge our strengths by using different disciplines such as music, theatre and performance, with an ironic view on society as a whole and especially on ourselves.
Available until 28 June - Get access here
Going Primal – Chapter 2: Punk your Spirit: Three solo acts of humans unleashing their own inner spirits.
In a series of six chapters, Keren Rosenberg creates cross-disciplinary hybrid performative experiences, both in real life and in virtual environments.
The connective element between the chapters is that they all emerge from the same research question: “If we were to be given the possibility to re-create a new space based on everything that we know, what kind of space will it be? Which value system will it hold?”
In this chapter two dancers are accompanied by a daring instrumental and physical solo by Richard van Kruysdijk. Their bodies are emerging and starting to physically transform, supercharged by the lifting force of sound and vibrations. The music is extremely present, emotional and physical.
Available 12 & 13 June - Get access here
A personal performance of a woman's struggle growing up in a man-made world. In her journey she encounters gender stereotypes, an extremely intrusive high-school teacher and a voice telling her she can be anything she wants to be. She is furious, practices martial arts and wonders why in this society so-called feminine characteristics are inferior to so-called male characteristics. She fights her way through and in this process reclaims agency over the female body.