It’s a pun, although some of the characters might be witty and off the wrist. This is the intercourse before the dessert, whoops sorry I mentioned Bex...
Bexual Healing is a retro character comedy in which the awkward sex symbol Maybe West shares her encounters with other socially awkward characters from the 1920s-1990s. Each one struggling to find acceptance and love through the barriers that being female and neurodiverse brings.
Having been performing for quite a few years Bex Turner is looking to try something new! She is a high energy, eccentric, surreal, stand up/character comic. Her likeability combined with her comedic sense of adventure makes audiences love her.
"Rebekka Turner plays several highly funny characters with a 'League of Gentlemen' edge."
- Simon, Extra Topping Comedy 2023.
A gleefully messy performance that's just as surprising as its name suggests. WIP, but worth the watch."
- Fringebiscuit 2023.